Rahmat Dipo Setyadin

January 16, 2000

About Candidate

I am a Fresh Graduate majoring in Informatics Engineering at Institut Teknologi PLN. I can read data easily and translating data into easy-to-understand information is a fun challenge for me. I have experience using programming languages like Python, VB.Net, PHP and C++ . My fnal project is about chatbot with Natural Language Processing and use framework Flask.


Work & Experience

Data Scientist November 2022 - Januari 2023
PT Mitra Transformasi Digital

- Join the Data Analytics Team at Pertamina - Create Dashboard using Power BI

Digital Service & Research Internship Mei 2021 - Agustus 2021
PT Indonesia Comnets Plus

- Assist in FTTH network design using ArcGIS PRO - Helping Data Recapitulation using SQL Server

Assistant Intelligent Computing & Software Engineering Laboratory September 2019 - Januari 2022
Institut Teknologi PLN

- Helping lecturers in practical subjects like Machine Learning, Visual Basic, etc - Assigned to be a coordinator for 1 period - Assigned to be the Chief Executive of the Workshop - Assigned to be the MC at the Workshop - Computer Laboratory Maintenance

Volunteer Oktober 2018 - Oktober 2018
Indonesia Asian Para Games 2018 Organizing Committee (INAPGOC)

- Assist in distributing food to the committee - Helping local and foreign audiences