About Candidate
Motivation High, Communication
Work & Experience
1 Monitoring and Implementation HSE Plan 2 Submit CSMS With Main Contractore Airport, PLTU, and Tower BTS 3 At Soekarno Hatta airport in Jakarta, the construction of the PLN Indonesia Power Coal Shelter in NTB, PT PAL Surabaya the construction of the Russian submarine factory, and at the workshop factory of PT Duta Cipta Pakar mighty. Work on weekly reports on the implementation of the HSE Card Stop Card if there are unsafe conditions, warning workers are given warnings, Safety Patrol Checks to the field by the joint owner and safety patrols are carried out routinely, implementation of monthly reports on environmental area inspections, work areas, inspections of fire extinguishers and fire extinguishers. prevention of work accidents first aid box makes an incident report if there is a work accident. 4. Monitoring Stok Gudang Project
Submit Csms To User Owner
1 Organize inventory clinick vendor, document, patinet visitor books with Pembangkit Jawa Bali 2 Selection Document Contractor Safety Manajement System Vendor Mitra With PT Pembangkit Jawa Bali Standart PJB 3 Making schadule for patient and mantaining clinic to be presentable 4 Helping communication and understanding csms with Vendor HARDSKILL 1 TIME DISIPLINE 2 UNDERSTANDING POTENTIAL HAZARD
Compiling Csms According to Pertamina and PLN Group Submittion Csms Standart Employes Pertamina and PLN Group Supervise Installation Fiber Optic Icon+ Product PLN Group, CCTV at Gardu Induk
1. MONITORING Process Production 2. Documentation Inspection and Uji Pengecoran Beton 3.To Do Inspection with OWNER 4. Installation iron is suistable standart at Shop Drowing 5. To Do Inspection Already Hse Before To Do Pengecoran Coordination with Police Militer 6 Compile Standart Product QPASS at Project 7 Aplication and supervise stage project mutu plant (Quality Control) 8 Aplication mitigation risiko mutu at all project 9 evaluation mutu product (non conformance) that may affect project performance 10 Manage and Follow up on customers complaints 11 Conduct regular inspections &reviews of the effectiveness of the support action plan, monitor on the progress, highlighting any issues identified and communicating intentionally to all stakeholders