Najla Diffani
About Candidate
My name is Najla Diffani a fresh graduate of Informatics Engineering. I have some work experience from Internship. I am interested in UI/UX Designer, Machine Learning, Data Science, and Analyst. I like to explore new things, I’m ready to try other fields of work.
Certify a Basic English Education Standardization (BEES) & English Language Test (ELT) Certify Microsoft Office Specialist (Microsoft Word) & Microsoft Certified Fundamentals (Azure AI) Participate in training activities LKMM Pra-TD (Latihan Keterampilan Manajemen Mahasiswa Pra-Tingkat Dasar)
Work & Experience
Identify financial risks, safety, and security of the company Created a plan to reduce company risk
Created UX design for the company's new project Experienced new skills with UI/UX team Prepared ideas to share with the team