Kevin Rizki Perdana
About Candidate
Work & Experience
One of DOKU's impressive programs. While participating in the DOKU Academy, employees must challenge themselves to perform various tasks to improve their skills related to Front End (FE) Techniques in 4 months where in each end of mont we got a mini project to be present to our tech leader. With the help of mentors from third parties or from DOKU itself. The tasks given include making website applications using Angular.Js, mobile applications using Flutter and for automated testing using Katalon. Part of my work during academy was focused on learning things related to frontend developers from starting websites using Angular and mobile using Flutter. In the first month we are learning about Angular.Js and at the second month we learn about Flutter and at the third moth we learn about testing with Katalon, and at the end of 4 months we got a task to create an app with collaboration from backend division and frontend division (CAPSTONE PROJECT).
Responsible for building a Frontend and UI/UX Design Website Using Figma, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.