About Company
PT. Sinar Metrindo Perkasa (Simetri) creates high quality switchboards, and implements automation system, that are in accordance with safety regulations and standards. Simetri was founded in 1986 to fill the huge gap between supplies and demands for good quality switchboards in the market at that time. A good switchboard could prevent any harmful event that threatens people’s lives and deliver good distribution in electrical power usage. Barriers like limited resources in Simetri’s first few years did not slow our growth. We break any barrier by working hard to gain customers trust and to optimize the production of switchboards more effeciently. There are other hard times when global economic recessions hit us in 1998 and 2008. However we succesfully overcome those hard times. As Simetri grows prosperously, we still hold to ethical principles such as perseverance, commitment to excellence, fairness, accountability, and integrity. Simetri continuously serves our loyal and new customers. The sales figures hit record high, year in, year out. One of our proudest moments is when Simetri obtaining ISO 9001:2008 in the year 2002. These achievements drive us forward as well as educate us to be more mature.
Simetri intends to produce high quality products that not only do they ease daily lives of people, but also protect them from any accident that prones to occur when dealing with electricity. We innovate on how the product can be optimized for efficiency and cost effectiveness. Customers safety and satisfaction are the leading factors that we always have in our mind when producing our high quality switchboards. Thus, our switchboards are the safest and the most reliable in this industry. Our technicians are always ready to provide excellent service.Powered by highly motivated and highly skilled employees, Simetri are ready to challenge current competitive era with high determination. Guided by Simetri’s fundamental philosophies, we persistently innovate the synchronization between switchboards and automation, improve product quality and service satisfaction, and contribute to society and environment.